Monday 14 November 2011

Drip - 3d mockups.

Sp, I said I would have some of them lovely mock ups for you didn't I? And well lets see what we have here...

I know there are a few bits and bobs that normally sit on the front of packaging. The usual legal gubbins that hangs around there so no one gets sued. However, I'm trying to use the white...or um. Blue space to help really single out the title. It's a little harder to work with it on the smaller product. Perhaps it could be made smaller? Answers on a post card. Very little has differed from the original concept that we saw in the last post. The text is better aligned with all the other parts and perhaps the colour isn't a 100% match but it works for this preview. 

So now that I have a design I am more comfortable with working with and I feel is perhaps much stronger than it was than last time. I think I can move full steam ahead with producing visuals on a larger scale for the product. 

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