Friday 18 November 2011

We get the point, you like swords.

I apologise for the pun. But it had to be done.

Still, what else have I been up to? Well this for one!

West Fife Fencing need a new logo for branding and shirts and what not. I'm just chucking out ideas at full speed, see what ones they like and tally ho off we go and use that one.  The first three though on the left at the top where their own ideas while the others where more what I had in mind. 

The primary colours of the club are red and black so I've tried to keep to that using thinner line work to stop it looking a little too bloated. Red and black works some times, personally I feel that if that if you over use one in contrast to the other it sort of looks bloated and doesn't have a nice sense of balance. 

The red diamonds. Quite a sneaky one. But it's ment to be the rail bridge. I wish I could say I came up with that one, but it was part of their original concepts. Still, I like it. It works nicely. Right now I am seeing how much I can play/distort the original elements used here and see what I come out with in the end. 

The main part is the text, how far can I tinker with that before it becomes too illegible. Well thats what I shall find out. You'll see in the next post! 


Monday 14 November 2011

Drip - 3d mockups.

Sp, I said I would have some of them lovely mock ups for you didn't I? And well lets see what we have here...

I know there are a few bits and bobs that normally sit on the front of packaging. The usual legal gubbins that hangs around there so no one gets sued. However, I'm trying to use the white...or um. Blue space to help really single out the title. It's a little harder to work with it on the smaller product. Perhaps it could be made smaller? Answers on a post card. Very little has differed from the original concept that we saw in the last post. The text is better aligned with all the other parts and perhaps the colour isn't a 100% match but it works for this preview. 

So now that I have a design I am more comfortable with working with and I feel is perhaps much stronger than it was than last time. I think I can move full steam ahead with producing visuals on a larger scale for the product. 

Sunday 13 November 2011

Drip continues.

Yikes this is a late post. But as they say time+effort over late hours = design...or something like that it's gone one am...don't judge me.

Anyway. this is one of those uber quick blog posts to reveal more astounding work! Hurrah. Basically a new layout with improved text, colouring and basically a feel that better holds the brand togeather. The thinner text was nice but I feel it wasn't holding it's own weight and there was very little to play around with.

I also felt that while the stark white was nice, there could be more variation in colour to breath more life into something that otherwise could be missed in a product market where white is an overly used colour. They retain the sleek elements but have more life to them.

I'm a little wary on the black as vanilla. While that is the colour of vanilla pods, unlike the plant that is the vanilla/white colour I was going for a more traditional feel in linking the colours to the scents rather than the colour of the packaging. An odd duck, but I'm picturing it as a fabricated product that could sit on shelves. I went with an off black so as to not feel like your looking into the void, but rather something with a little bit of substance, that could be completely different if it were ever in print. But hey, it's something to consider at the very least.

No doubt even more tinkering will commence soon, I can see a few little bits that need tinkering work. However a 3d mockup will be arriving very soon. I only wish I have the resources and the skills to produce a full sized version. I think I would pick the black. Just to prove to you how awesome it would look.

Until then though it's still working my way though it. Though at 2 am (by the time I finished this post) it's probably the oddest uses of the word fun I've come across in context with typography at 2 am. Man I bet Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffmann where like this back in the a boss. Or bosses... 

Wednesday 9 November 2011


So here we are - this is the concept in a more visual form. I think you people out there will find it interesting. My main concern with a project was trying to be as environmentally friendly as possible.

So - Tetra packs!

So here is the design, it's a little cruder than I had hoped. Google Sketchup is a nice free program but it sometimes lacks the power to make the more complex objects. But still this is still a good example for what I have in mind. This being, showing off the new creative brilliance that I have.

Like I said ealier. I am always focused on the environmental concerns. And packaging is a real pain for this. Mostly shampoo. It's always one that gets on my nerves, there is such a waste in packaging there that costs so much to produce, and little can be recycled. So, I looked into what would work best. BOOM! Tetra packs. Almost too perfect for the job. It's paper, it can be recycled, it's durable, perfect for storing liquids, water proof, the list goes on.

So yes, shampoo in a tetra pack. I'm not sure if it has been done before, hopefully I've started something interesting. Naturally there are more details to add. I've not too keen on the "Tangy lemon" text. It's a little off but it works for simply telling you what it is. I'm looking into the other details that would be on the container. I am looking to make them look/feel a little ultra modern/minimalist to really try and give the "Wham" feel for a design like this. 

I'm also thinking of exploring outside of the confines of larger bottles for just shampoo, I think something like the smaller units could be used to perhaps traveling, or maybe even liquid soaps. Who knows? With the right ideas I think the possibilities are endless really.

Sunday 6 November 2011

Gloop to Drip.

So in my redefining my ideas on my own concepts for Gloop - it's been changed around to something a little more sophisticated. Enter Drip!

Still rather rough, but this has become a lesson in both packaging design and environmental considerations.  This is still a work in progress but it's a much stronger concept than my previous design. 

But now, the observant people in the audience will have noticed - A tetra pack, and shampoo. Well I shall explain it to you when there is more to show. But like I said, environmental considerations. I'm working this as close to my own perfect form of product design as possible. Clean, efficient, waste not. I think this will be the package that will be able to tick every box. 

Next post we shall be looking at 3d digital concepts. Fun fun! Until then, see you around.