Tuesday 17 January 2012

She's a killer cleaner! Gunpowder, gelatine! Dynamite with a laser beam!

Well there are things that are going to be happening soon. First of all there is a massive amount of working going into my latest CV. I've been doing a lot of thinking and I'm starting to think that I could do with something a little more streamlined. The booklet was a fun way to break into new ground. But it lacked a focus and a means of getting to the point. So, within the next few days I'll be working furiously on a new form of CV. My main target for it so far is an inforgraphic style presentation. Something that shows both my skills in design practically as well as having some nice hard fact to back it up.

This also means that there will be a new logo in the mix, that does mean there could be a chance that I may change the name "Daykin Design" though I do have one or two design solutions that. Keeping that in mind though the blog title will most likely stay the same for the time being. I will need to see if blogger will allow for changes in your own personal blog title.

So, while I've been working on that, I've also been having a little fun with some designs for someone's cleaning business that they needed work for. I've had a pretty large free range with the name, visual image and the whole kit and kaboodle for it. It was more of a process that focused on coming up with something more unique that didn't feel too generic. I don't see why a cleaning company has to have a generic logo that does it's job. I feel that any logo should have personality behind it. A little bit of life and soul that makes you want to pick this person.

So there was much fun to be had. And yes the title was purely because Killer Queen was stuck in my head over the weekend. But it's a kick ass song that got me thinking.

Guarantied to blow your mind!

I had so much fun making this one it should have been criminal. It all sparked really from the concept that I hate generic logos. I like something with personality and a perhaps a little bit of daring silliness. The original title (and most probably the one that will be used. Ah well) was Shining cleaners. And of course me being me I went off on the ramble with "The Shining". That some how mutated in killer cleaners. The idea that something is "Killer" being slang for "Awesome" though do you young and hip things still say that today? If not can we bring it back? Anyway. We blended murder and cleaning. It's silly fun with no real idea if it will ever make it. But I thought I would throw it out there because I really did have too much fun making it. 

Anyway, that's my blog post for the day. If anyone needs me I'll be over here listening to Brain May being the god of Guitar Solos.

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