Monday 2 May 2011

Nanannanananananananana- UPDATE!

Look there, an update, they can be seen after a long tiring weekend of design work and failed attempts to get the tv to work.

So, what have I been doing exactly?

SUFFERING! *Shelob shriek*

Well, it's not been that bad, just the anticipation for the final exhibition is...well....*shrieks again.* Okay that aside I've been really putting the pedal to the medal with my final project, really burning through stuff because I do have so much to do. Even if I did plan the project some time in advance I'm still working on stuff. But my aim is to have it done soon so I can curl up and hide some where in fear of what the real world holds...

So, bet you are all wondering what my project is?

It's Batman...

Nananananananana BATMAN!

Yeah, doing a complete and total overhaul of there advertising campaign, which isn't that hard given how little of it there of it there was to start with. What they had was, well very "eh" and really undersold the idea.

Here's what I have now, more stuff will be impending. Just the web design things the now, don't want to get you all excited.

These are all fancy little designs for a very the very interesting web side of the project. It's a little drab looking right now, hoping to bring colour to certain parts. Will do that soon, icons look a little lifeless like that don't they? Still big shout out to the designers of those royalty free brushes. I would be swamped without them. I had been wanting to make a set of those forever, I suppose time got the better of me, but no matter, they spur me on to make my own resources such as these so I don't have to sift through broken links for the stuff. There's a lesson learned for you. 

Still I find it incredibly funny that Batman would be one to have a twitter page...but after he's developed a coffee addiction, time traveled, been cloned, mind whipped, been turned into a baby, a ghost, robot, alien, fought Dark Seid and punched Captain America in the it really that far of a leap?

My recent survey said yes but I'm doing it anyway. Still, personally I am really pleased with the direction of this project, and if I am lucky I might even be able to sneak in a little, (and I mean little) bit of animation for some of the other elements of the projects.

Okay, toodle pip. Update over, I've got to go design something with the Bat prefix on it.

I should note that all of these images are from my work in progress set, and the finals look a little better than this, but they still need polishing, call this a teaser trailer of what is to come. 

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