Tuesday 29 March 2011

Easter already?

How time flies indeed. Well it's been a long while since I updated. So I thought I would share the news that has been going on these last few days.
And a lot has been going on. Finally submitted my YCN work. I'm quite pleased with it. Will be putting stuff online soon. I just need to review the issues around putting work that will be entered to the YCN online.

But I have even more awesome news!

For the last two weeks the class has been working on a collection of posters called... "Massimo's Twelve."
Whats even more awesome is that we managed to go out to find a printers to get the finals done up! It's going to look awesome. - You heard it here first.
Why will it be awesome? Well I will tell you why. First it's in A2, a size we don't normally get to work to because of the limited printer sizes at college, but we also get to have it printed off as a nice glossy look...hmmmm. That does sound nice. I await the final results tomorrow to make girlish squeals of delight.

In the mean time. here's my helvectia poster. Yes. I ended up with helvetica. Me....well I made the most of it.

So yes. The question is - is using helvetica over and over again just cheating? Or is it so good that we can use it over and over again....You make the call! Anyway enough of me waffling. I'll try to make a more important post next time. Till then, your all awesome people. Laters!

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