Tuesday 8 May 2012

And where have I been?

Well, short answer, busy. Long answer, very busy.

I've been expanding my place on the internet, this means a lot of work being uploaded to my new folio on deviant art - Look my up, Daykin-Design. It's been a hefty bit of work, combined with current project work its ment I have had little time for this blogger, there is the chance that this may get phased out of use since the deviantart account has everything I need...that is until I move to Tumblr but lets take one step at a time shall we.

I'll give you a wee taste of things that I've been working on. Mostly static web concepts. No, I still haven't learnt HTML, will get there eventually...

So, that's the main three webpages. I'm resisting the urge to make more, it would only provide to to be overly time consuming. Right now I want to nail the points on these pages. That border for a start. Something needs to be done with it. Just not sure what. When it's white it doesn't look complete. When it's black it looks too confined and clunky.

And then there is the logo. Normally they grow on me over time. But as the project has grown and matured. I've gotten a little..."Eh" about it. It's just not working for me like it did when it was young fresh and cool looking. It's run it's course for being a placeholder logo. Time to get my hands dirty and do some proper logo design.

Then after that, well it will all be topped off with a nice leaflet. Leaflets are nice. I would have more, but as it is right now things are on a time limit. I have a potential interview in six weeks time, so I am trying to cram my folio with new and impressive work. Hopefully this strikes a cord with them. I'm a little worried that my current work is dated and a little sloppy. I know there are some aspects that really don't meet my standards.

I have a nice selection of design books to help me through though, picked up a few creative little things in the last few days. Should be nice and inspirational. If not, well then I did sure screw up.

I'll try to be updating this as much as possible. But the deviantart page is where more of the work will be posted. Perhaps the really rough stuff and behind the scenes stuff will get posted there, I'm trying to direct most of my pageviews through deviantart as it's easier to keep a track of both work and my interweb rants. Once I have my own site with a blog section, twitter feed and gallery there wont be a need for so much link saving. But I've got a list as long as a very long thing...

Still, ta-ta for now. Going to get back to playing Minecraft  design work!

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