Tuesday 29 March 2011

Easter already?

How time flies indeed. Well it's been a long while since I updated. So I thought I would share the news that has been going on these last few days.
And a lot has been going on. Finally submitted my YCN work. I'm quite pleased with it. Will be putting stuff online soon. I just need to review the issues around putting work that will be entered to the YCN online.

But I have even more awesome news!

For the last two weeks the class has been working on a collection of posters called... "Massimo's Twelve."
Whats even more awesome is that we managed to go out to find a printers to get the finals done up! It's going to look awesome. - You heard it here first.
Why will it be awesome? Well I will tell you why. First it's in A2, a size we don't normally get to work to because of the limited printer sizes at college, but we also get to have it printed off as a nice glossy look...hmmmm. That does sound nice. I await the final results tomorrow to make girlish squeals of delight.

In the mean time. here's my helvectia poster. Yes. I ended up with helvetica. Me....well I made the most of it.

So yes. The question is - is using helvetica over and over again just cheating? Or is it so good that we can use it over and over again....You make the call! Anyway enough of me waffling. I'll try to make a more important post next time. Till then, your all awesome people. Laters!

Friday 4 March 2011

Ah-ha! Finally D&AD stuff finally done!

Huzzars! With much air punching and dancing around the computer I finally have all of the D&AD stuff uploaded. At long last it's done and I can finally get it out from under my feet.  I don't know if I can actually upload anything yet. But I think I will do so after next week, hopefully if I get a message saying that they want to see more of the work in print. And then hopefully then win. Big if, but fun to think it could happen.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

And I hit the ground running!

Yikes it's been a few busy days back. But rest assured I'm still ticking. No rest for me. D&AD finished and to be presented. Roses award done, and the YCN briefs have all been polished off.

Don't anyone ever say students don't do a lot of work. Not to mention I still have a large collection of work from my placements to sort through and put online. I'm thinking that will come in a later post. But still, I've got a little while to go before I can show you my WCN or D&AD work. The rules say I'm not allowed to post anything online...shucks. So you will have to wait a little while before you get to see all of my wonderful work for the Sonic the hedgehog brief. Shame.

But still, can I entice you with a shot of my CV/Folio booklet that is in the works?

Yes anyone who knows me will admit that I don't play to the ordinary rules of convention (Not all the time mind you, but when I get the best opportunity I'll give anything a go.)

This is the rough for a working cover for my CV/Folio, based around the golden age of comics. A mix of my own personal skills, with a rouges gallery (insert folio) of what I have done in the past till now.

This is an odd one because it could either be a winner or a sinker. Only time will tell. I would like to think that I am doing something unconventional and a little bit different. But who knows. You can all win them over with a free issue of "Incredible Graphic Adventures." Maybe it will be one of those little projects you always have on the side to grow and nurture as time goes by.  It's still far from being finished. I have to do a lot more before it becomes interesting. This is more a prototype. But I am enjoying it, and you know what they say, if your not enjoying it, your not in the right line of work.

Still it's a risk, and if it doesn't work. I can rebuild, go back to the drawing board and just start a new. I suppose the classic Word document CV can always wait in the wings if it all effs up.

Before I go, quick shout out to both ThreeBrand and the Gate for taking me on over the last month. It was great fun and I did pick up a few things. Mainly biscuits may work better than a CV....hmm...

Anyway, until next time folks. I will have the work sorted out from my work placements, damn there is just so much stuff from ThreeBrand to sort through, need to work out what goes where.
