Friday 6 April 2012

Let's talk the google.

Now I love gadgets. I am a gadget man, I love how they make our lives easier and just run that little smoother. Call me a techno-zombie now driven with a shiny Apple logo on my forehead as I doodle through twitter on my iPod, or look into the latest fun little gizmos on ThinkGeek. But I love them.

And this, - well if you didn't just check the link above well then I suggest you do because it's quite interesting. Obviously a made up hypothetical tech demo, but it's one of those things that gets you thinking none the less. Much like how Apple suddenly make us realise how awesome the Siri app is, this is something that has made me realise just how far technology has jumped - it's sort of like a space-race with tech to see how cool the next toy can be for the highest bidder. Got to say, I would love one, (despite my fears the Google will become a self aware being and reduce humanity to dust Skynet style). I know this will be a few years off, and I would probably have to sell my kidney for one. But don't it look pretty?

Having "onscreen" apps floating around my head would be new, and eventually (after I realise this is real life and I'm not playing Doom) I think I would get used to it. With a voice command system like Siri, the might of the Google, throw in a few blue tooth and wireless functions and it would probably be a big leap forwards in the word of tech.

In doing a little bit of reading I did find out that google do in fact have their own OS, it's a little odd that this slipped me by, probably because I am chewing on the Apple, but it seems to me this should have been big gospel shouting from the roof top stuff. Ah well. Apparently there is a feature on their "Chromebooks" that replaces the cap's lock key with a dedicated search key. Seems a bit of an off design choice, personally I would have gone with using one of them function keys. You know the one's at the top of your keyboard? They're like that one room mate that promises he will get a job, and eventually only gets one when you start assigning proper functions to them - or if you like me they already have a function and get in the way of playing games because all they do is dim the screen light or fiddle about with your music playing. I digress.

Apparently Google's branching out into making an operating system with a machine was less than well received. Apparently it lacked any real offline capabilities and it was little more than a dressed up power book....apparently. I ain't the horses mouth but I just say what I read. So that does put me in another mind about this new Project Glass, could it be awesome? Well if they learn from past mistakes maybe, it seems like they might be trying to make up for that with this Project Glass, some sort of Geordi Laforge headset that you can wear while sorting out dates, playing the Ukulele to your girlfriend and shopping for books on how to play said Ukulele. The add itself it no doubt trying to pry it's way in front of the sleek Apple style adds while yelling to everyone that doesn't currently own an Iphone with Sirri on it. - "Hey look what we can do with this technology we're not even really showing you!"

Perhaps I am being too harsh and too early. Of course this is a teaser of what it is to come, but the real question is...will it? Is this actually going to be a massive leap forwards where we all look like Garrus Vakarian with little blue thingies over our faces? (Admittedly it would look cool, but the depth perception has got to suck after a while.) While I want to welcome this new fangled gizmo with open arms I am a little hesitant. This could just be a massive teaser with nothing to follow, while I don't doubt that Google has the funding for it I'm sure we all know of a few companies that have fallen behind with delivering promised good - See Valve and Half life 3 here. Maybe this is a stunt to rekindle interest after their flash in the pan with their Power Books? Maybe I am talking out a hole that isn't my mouth? Answers on a postcard. Time will tell if this is a dead end project or if this could be something that may rise up and strike the iPhone in the back when it least expects it.

Until then I'll go back to my corner and stop pretending I know what I am talking about. Laters.