Monday 27 December 2010

Goodbye 2010, you shall be missed.

So a lot has happened in the last year. Too much to write down all at once, long lunch, lots of project, and oodles of growth in my own understanding of design, and only six months till the curtain falls. Oh deary its been a rush. Still, Christmas has come and gone and I am feeling refreshed enough to tackle some new things.

First of all two YCN briefs. TWO? You cry? Certainty! Why? Well it's something to do, and it's something I've wanted to do for a while now because both projects are going to be fun. I know it. Well I say that about most of my projects. But this one is a certain.

Boost - Project re-braining. A standard brief, which I why I like to do "unstandard" things. You'll see trust me on this! *wink*

And something that caught my eye only the other night

Sega - Celebrating 20 years of sonic. Oh that does make me feel old this brief. But I couldn't pass up the opportunity in celebrating my favorite super sonic hedgehog. Oh the nostalgia of playing old cartridge games. Sonic and Knuckles can over your fantastic blu ray games any day.

So two projects with the opportunity to delve into something outside of the box a little. I'm thinking of expanding all the ideas here. Maybe film? New digital graphics? Ohh the idea in my head. Still you boys and girls shall have to wait and see.

Lets just say I've been watching far too many things made by Edgar Wright, damn that man deserves more awards in being awesome in so many ways.

And in other news - If your into the strange and the things that are a little bizzaro - I suggest you look up "Anamaniguch" and even if your not. Do it! I'm listening to their first album "Power Supply" and I couldn't be having more fun listening to some classic sounding retro tunes. Call it my Christmas present to the people out there that follow me.

So, to everyone out there, I hope you didn't eat too much, and I hope your not still hung over. Enjoy your new year and I hope to get lots of placements by the time I get back to college, and even while I have mumbled and groaned through this last year with the rain, the heat, and the missed buses. I enjoyed every second. (Well not every, but you know what I mean). Roll on 2011. Because as Back to the future has shown me, we only have 4 more years until hover cars/boards self tying shoe laces and 3D jaws....

Oh, never mind then.

Happy new year everyone!

Wednesday 8 December 2010

More updates!

So as the outside word resembles Hoth (snow beasts and everything) I've been taking the time to look back on some of my past work. Mainly that Cabe stuff. One of the posters I never really liked got left out in my posting of lots of work. Really there where a lot of things that where visually wrong to me, probably any person could walk past it and see that it looks fine but my own sense of male tinkering came into play and made it better.

It was origonally the token landscape poster you sort of have to come up with to express how your design works in another format. Well something I like to try and do anyway. To cut a long story short, it didn't feel right. So after some careful editing I was able to put this together and the result feels a lot more confident. Though that said I am tempted to totally rebuild the posters from the ground up, they are still lacking that something. Still, we'll find out what it is and if it will get changed after Christmas. 

Second, on the list of updates is a fun T-shirt design. I love t-shirt designs, with places like Snorg Tees and Truffle shuffle (places I spend faaar too much time on) you get to see such nerdy and cleaver humor.  It's great expressive stuff to look at, and they get the wheels turning on coming up with my own ideas. 

For the Student review nights we always have to wear T-shirts with a quote about something we have learnt. Actually I did learn more things about myself this year than I suppose I have done about graphic design. Apparently;

  • I will try any idea once no matter how crazy it is. ( it's only related to graphics, don't go there...)
  • Have enthusiasm for the most mad ideas. (Still in graphics.)
  • I am the go-to guy for the nerdy/photoshop stuff in the class. (This I can't deny really.)

Anyway, t-shirt. The rules are simple, what we learnt and it mainly has to be typographic. Easy as Pi. I borrowed a page from Carson's book, only because I like the extreme silliness of the idea of writing an entire article in a magazine in dingbats. The quote, "Have fun once in a while" (lovingly typed in Helvetica) is really exactly what is says on the tin/t-shirt. Sometimes graphic designers can get a little stale and repetitive, sort of like what happened at Long Lunch with David Finch (more on that story later). But my supposed above mentioned qualities just give me that little edge that I think will hopefully stop me from becoming one of those tired designers of the now that loose their creative play. 

3. (Golly gee-whatever this is a long post) Tattoo design. 

A few weeks ago before the ground became cold icy and hard we got a brief for a tattoo design. The specifics? 

  • Must be typographic
  • Must be discreet 
  • Must use the whole quote
Aside from that we got to have some fun with the idea. The quote was "We are the music makes and we are the dreamers of dreams." Most of you know if from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. However others know it comes from the poem Ode Arthur William Edgar O'Shaughnessy. I'll save you all the copy paste of the poem since it's only that one line we are looking at. 

But here is the near final design of the tattoo. 

In theory that should work. A small contest will be held on the night of the review, and the winner? Well we have a guest attending the review that night, a bit of a tattoo buff, apparently he selects the winner and gets it as a tattoo himself. Fun times. 
Personally I am not of the people that enjoy tattoos, (needles urk) I don't mind getting them, but I draw the line at getting sharp pointing things jabbed in me for the sake of art. 

And the final word of the night since this post has been going on so long, I try to keep them short but so much has been happening I'm finding it hard to keep it short!

A little while ago I went to see one David Fitch at a Long Lunch, the so called Godfather of design was there, the creator of the iconic Top Shop, the man who's teams worked on branding Innocent Smoothies wasn't about that. 
To be honest, the lecture was dry....very dry. It was all mildly interesting things, but when you start delving into the phycology of shopping dating back to medieval Germany you've lost me.  It was a little like going to the Louve and instead of looking at the Mona Lisa instead you go look at the tacky brochures for the local history tour. There was also a lot of talk about the stock market...and I mean a lot. 

So I will admit a little bit of a let down, the highlight was admittedly finding out who designed Top Shop, which was a mildly interesting story about it being the first of it's kind in design/fashion/construction. But it was one of fewer highlights. If you where there and can argue differently, fire away but really it wasn't for me. 

So I think that wraps up this post, it's a long one but I think we all survived. Hopefully I can now get on with our new brief. Boost Energy Drinks. I'll let you know how that one turns out. Until folks, laters!